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Saturday, 26 July 2014

Teriphique Turenne

We've decided not to go anywhere in Flo today following yesterday’s adventures!  So we had a leisurely start and made a picnic to take on a walk. 

We decided to climb to the chateau at the top of the village.  It is very steep in places and it was boiling again today so we took our time – none of the kids complained though and even Morgan walked without asking for a carry!!  We paid 4,50E each for Chris and I to go into the chateau and the kids were free – a lot of it was in ruined or owned privately but the views from the top were stunning.  The circular tower that still stands has a staircase to the top but we didn’t fancy the huge climb so settled for the view from the bottom. It was so hot the kids the kids enjoyed lizard spotting, they never tire of seeing them!

Looking down at the aire from the Cahteau.
As we got back to the lower parts of the village we went into a number of shops selling produits regionaux, one of them was in the cellar of the house so was lovely and cool – I enjoyed speaking to the owner in French, she explained the products were made by 3 people, many of which were nut related so I told her Seren had an allergy and so she suggested that we left those!!!  She recommended a honey and sunflower aperitif and also some local bieres, so we bought a couple as well as 3 cola Calypos for the kids, so everyone was happy!!!

There is also a little local shop next to the aire, it sells le pain de campagne which is the most rustic loaf we've ever had; it’s nearly burnt black on the bottom from a traditional oven, and really crusty, but then beautifully soft inside and with a wonderful flavour!  We also stopped at the tourist office; Seren bought a book showing how to draw princesses, Evan got a knights colouring book and Morgan chose a puzzle; these along with their SAT workbooks kept them busy for hours when we got back to Flo! 

The aire became more quiet towards the end of the evening so Chris moved Flo to the back corner spot and we put the shower tent up. Everyone washed and felt much better after such a sweaty day; the tent was a brilliant buy and has made it much easier to shower whilst wild camping.

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